Movement Intelligence & Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP)
Relax, ground and settle deeper into your refined innate sensitivity. Open to the whispers of the subtle realms that inform and guide.
Relaxation, Integration & Meditation
Somayoga focuses on bringing together Hatha Yoga, Somatic Movement Intelligence, Somatic Experiencing. This is a Somatic Practice for the purpose of supporting and cultivating a more resilient nervous system. These classes address the accumulated stresses from everyday life, and support those with trauma history.
Check out the ACE, Adverse Childhood Experience study here
This meditative movement practice has an emphasis on the inner felt sense, tracking the subtle variations of movement from within the space of the body.
I am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and a Movement Intelligence (MI) facilitator. I work by guiding somatically and encouraging experientially-based enquiry in personal sessions, small classroom and workshop formats. Together, we will explore your own unique innate capacity for nervous system regulation, whilst moving towards greater health and well-being. Curiosity, kindness, self-compassion, slowing down and meditation are all key ingredients to the nature and tone of this work.
Movement Intelligence is an invitation to gentle exploration through primal movement patterns, natural breath, somatic inquiry and meditation. Exploring the foundational principals of MI; wave, axis, rhythm, oscillation, pulsation, spirals and other unique characteristics of Movement Intelligence. Vibrational pressure streaming from end to end through the skeletal system is part of the process and is one of the many positive outcomes of this work, thus creating more fluency, vibrancy and harmonious coordination throughout the body. Together with the Somatic Experiencing (Peter Levine) principles of grounding, orienting, tracking and experientially understanding the nervous system, this fusion and body of work is a healing balm to the nervous system.
My SOMAYOGA classes address the fundamental principles of nervous system regulation and how to work with ourselves, with this gentle yet profound approach.
All of my classes weave in this subtle potent work, aiming to support greater stabilisation, grounding and containment with fundamental nervous system education. This exploration supports us to feel and to understand the impact of our physiological responses to our inner and outer worlds.
Classes are meditative, focusing on Somatic inquiry, inspiring curiosity, and providing new options of movement, while nurturing the nervous system.
This approach is kind and gentle, which we refer to as, "learning through goodness." Rewiring and building new pathways in the brain-body takes practice, small movements towards health and regulation can make a big difference. Working towards a more resilient coherent nervous system supports greater capacity for the stresses of daily life.
I am available for 1:1 in-person and Zoom sessions.
Please Call +61 0488 668673 to schedule an appointment